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Want to make your lesson truly unforgettable?
Schedule a free demo and bring the whole class!
Come and put your entire class together with your science teacherinto one Virtual space to have the first truly Virtual lesson!
Travel to the Moon. It's Real.
VictoryXR's Science Curriculum is the first – and only – full virtual reality science curriculum. 48 educational science units contain a total of 240 unique virtual reality experiences covering Earth & Space Science, Engineering, Life Science, and Physical Science.
Virtual Classroom is the first of a kind multiuser Virtual Reality experience designed for class trips to VR Venues. Virtual Classroom is dedicated to the topics of atoms, orbitals and periodic table of elements. Students can assemble all known elements, and visualise various shapes of orbitals across the energy levels of an atom.
Most unusual attraction

Not every teacher has huge experience with VR. Therefore, we encourage you to visit for free to see what the technology and the carefully selected experiences are capable of. Don't worry, our VR Masters will always be there to help you navigate the system.

Every class is unique. With hundreds of different educational VR Experiences it is important to select the titles that your students would most benefit from.

After you have selected the titles all that is left is to book your Virtual lesson and come to DNA VR with your students for probably the most mind-blowing lesson they have ever had!
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